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Healthy Eating for Athletes and Fans – Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Recipes to save for later

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 With summer doesn’t just come the Euros, but a whole host of in season fruit and veg which are the refreshing way to indulge whilst in the warm weather.  We’ve got you covered for all three meals of the day, so you can stay in tip top condition just like your favourite players this summer!  


Breakfast – Yummy Yoghurt with Muesli and Fresh Fruit  


This is a super quick and easy breakfast to make when you’re in a rush, plus it can be made the night before to for an easy grab and go.  




Yogurt of your choice 

50g no added sugar muesli 

1 peach 

3 strawberries or a handful of blueberries 




Start off by setting out your containers, you can use Maison jars or plastic tubs, whichever you have on hand is perfect!  


Then begin spooning in the yoghurt into the bottom, you can as much as you like. Next just top with half of the muesli measurements. 


Chop the fruit to your liking, whether you like them small or chunky, this recipe is all about customising it to suit you!  


Add in the peach and just top with more yoghurt and the remaining muesli. Sprinkle over the strawberries and blueberries to finish it all off.  


Enjoy a healthy and nutritious start to the day with this simple yet delicious recipe. To really top it off you can also drizzle some honey on top for a healthy touch of sweetness! These breakfast pots are great for when you’re limited on time, and why not make some in advance to save even more time in the morning.  The RS818 is the perfect choice when it comes to top notch cold storage. One of our key features on the RS818 is the Digital Temp Sensor, which are highly advanced sensors built into your fridge that adjust the cooling and freezing levels to their optimum. Just like you expect the best performance from your players in the Euros, you expect absolutely precise performance from your fridge. Look no further than the RS818!  


Lunch – Tantalizing Tofu Poke Bowl  

For a delicious and filling mid-day lunch idea why not try this jam-packed poke bowl with spicy seasoned tofu! What’s great about this recipe is the versatility, you can easily swap in and out your favourite veggies and really make it your own!  




Rice: 350g 

Water 1/4tbsp 

Salt 130g 

porridge rice 

Spice sauce: 

1/2tbsp hot chili sauce (sriracha) 

1tbsp water 

1½tbsp liquid honey 

1tbsp rice wine vinegar 


250g tofu 

1tbsp curry 

1/2tbsp paprika powder 

2tbsp sesame seeds 

1tbsp oil 

1tbsp sweet soy sauce 


lime juice 

fresh coriander 

You also need: 

100g chopped mango 

100g sliced carrots 

50g cucumber 

2 radishes 

1 avocado 

4tbsp cooked broad beans or soy beans 

sushi ginger 


Begin by following the directions to cook your rice.  

Then you can move on to making the mouth-watering spicy sauce. This just consists of mixing together all the ingredients for the sauce together in a bowl, nice and easy! Then just mix this into the rice and pop into the fridge.  

Before we cook the tofu, we need to remove the excess water from it. To do this, cut the tofu length ways and place the slices next to each other on a clean dish towel and cover. Then place a cooking book or cutting board on top to help apply pressure to push the unwanted liquid. You can leave the tofu for around 15 minutes.  

Once the tofu is ready you can cut them into cubes ready for cooking.  

To cook the tofu, start by heating a dry frying pan and browning the tofu for a few moments. Then you can add the dry spices as well as the sesame seeds. With the handy help of the HAS949BSC vented induction hob and its Auto Start feature, you can cook and avoid any smoke, steam or smells from getting in your way. You can even Boost the hood’s fan speed for extra ventilation! 

Bring the heat down and add the oil and soy sauce along with the coriander. Once everything is seasoned and golden you can remove it from the heat.  

Next move on to cutting up the vegetables, feel free to customise which veggies you use. 

Now the fun bit (apart from eating it of course) where you can arrange everything in the bowl. When you reached your desired arrangement, you can sprinkle a bit more coriander and add a squeeze of lime and the delicious spicy sauce.  

We love this recipe because it can easily be adapted so you never get bored. Plus with the help of the HAS949BSC its super quick and easy to whip up, so you don’t need to away from the footie action for too long!  


Dinner – Flavoursome Fried Cajun Salmon and Smashed Potatoes  

After a long day it can hard to muster up the energy to cook up a meal from scratch, but this fried salmon and smashed potato recipe is surprisingly simple. Why not give it a whirl and try something new? What’s more you can use the Cajun spice for other types of meat as well as meat alternatives! Just like the Euros, sub in your top choice!  




700g boneless, scaled salmon fillets  

1tbsp cayenne pepper 

2tbsp paprika powder 

1/2tbsp onion powder 

1/2tbsp garlic powder 

3/4tbsp salt 

pinch dried basil 

2tbsp unsalted butter  

Crushed potatoes: 

800g early or new potatoes 

1/2tbsp Lemon oil 

1tbsp Mustard seeds 

3/4tbsp salt 

fresh rosemary 


First blend together the seasonings to make the Cajun mix and set aside ready for later. 

Then cut up your salmon into four pieces and brush all over with oil. The oil helps the seasoning stick on, so just sprinkle over the Cajun spice mix and rub in well. Pop in the fridge for about an hour to marinate.  

Whilst the salmon absorbs all those delicious flavours we can prepare the potatoes. Once peeled, washed and cut, boil them in salted water until you can easily slide a fork through them. This is a total breeze thanks to the HAS949BSC’s Rapid Boil. A real time saver, you can boil water in a flash thanks to the high-powered heating element in the HAS949BSC.  

After the potatoes are soft, drain the excess water and add in the mustard seeds along with half of the butter.   

Pour out the potatoes onto a baking tray and gently press down on the potatoes with the bottom of a glass or a hard spatula. This will give us the perfect smashed potatoes we want! 

For extra flavour brush the potatoes with lemon oil and top with salt and rosemary before baking at 225 degrees for around 15 minutes (or until crispy and golden).  

Brush lemon oil on the surface of the potatoes and sprinkle with salt and fresh rosemary. Bake at 225 degrees on the middle shelf of the oven for 15 minutes. Hisense ovens like the sensational BSA65336PX come with Even Bake technology which ensures whatever you cook will come out equally golden. No burnt edges here! 

Then we can cook the salmon in a frying pan in some butter for around 5 to 7 minutes on each side to ensure its fully cooked!  

Then you can enjoy, and we think this delicious meal pairs well with a drama filled Euros match.   

We hope you gives these healthy recipes a go and to learn more about the products we’ve mentioned in this blog, just click on the product codes!